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Registering for CUNY Academic Commons

Greetings! For this course you will need to create a  CUNY Academic Commons account. This will allow you to respond to discussion questions and participate in our class-wide ethnographic project. There’s a two-step process for joining: a) Create a Commons account b) accept the invitation I’ll send you once you’ve joined the Commons.

Here’s how to join the Commons:

  1. Head to the CUNY Academic Commons:
  2. Click “Register” in the top right corner.
  3. Create a username. I prefer first name+last initial: mine would be sschwartz.
  4. Use a CUNY email address to register. This can be changed later through “My profile”. (see next section)
  5. Enter your full name. You can make this private later.
  1. Indicate your Role as an Undergraduate Student
  2. Other fields can be filled in later in your profile.
  3. Agree to the Terms of Service (You own your own data!)

Two notes: a) you can skip the prompt that asks you to create your own blog, though if you want to play around with this functionality, feel free; and b) if you want to change your email from your BMCC email to a different account that you check more frequently, here’s how you do it:

To edit a Commons profile:

  1. Sign in to the Commons with your newly created username and password
  2. Click the arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the page
  3. Select “My Profile”. This takes you to your public profile
  4. Use the “Edit Profile” button to make changes.
  5. Change the contact email, picture, and other information here.


Welcome to Anthropology

Hello Class,

This site will serve as the main hub for all your course materials and assignments. You will need to visit this site regularly in order to fully engage with this course.

This site is hosted by the CUNY Academic Commons, using the WordPress platform. Please let me know if you experience any technical difficulties throughout the semester.


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